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Monday, March 21, 2011

Homeschooling Questions- round 1

So I know that many of my public-schooled friends wonder what it is like to be homeschooled.  I asked the people I contacted this question: "If you had any questions about what it is like to homeschool, what would they be?"  These are some of the responses I received.

- "How many hours a day do you spend on school work?"  Its hard to tell exactly (I get distracted very easily), but this year I would say I do 7 to 8 hours of work every day from Monday to Thursday.  Fridays are lighter for me, but I still do work, and do work on the weekends too, just like most other people in the universe.

- "How often do you go to other places to learn?"  This year, from Monday to Thursday I go somewhere during the day to learn.  I have two classes that I take at the community college, a computer class on Mondays and Wednesdays, and a Intro to Engineering class on Tuesday.  On Thursday, I take a literature class at a co-op.  Co-ops are the most popular place that homeschooled kids go to learn.  At co-ops, the parents of the kids/youth that go to the co-op teach classes.  For example, my Mother was an engineer, so she teaches science classes at co-ops (you do not have to every year, you do get paid to teach).  She teaches me my science classes, while I usually take literature classes at co-ops, where the teachers are more fluent in that subject.

- "I know if my parents were also my teachers I would get really tired of them, do you?"  Haha, good question to ask.  Well, besides the classes I mentioned before, I do advanced physics and 20th Century History at home.  In Physics, I read the textbook, do the problems, and do the tests pretty much on my own, unless I have a question, in which case I will ask my Mom.  In 20th Century History, I do pretty much the same thing, I read about the events in the decade, and read some kind of literature that corresponds with the decade.  At the end of each decade my Mom will ask me questions about the decade.  So this year, I haven't been really tired of my Mom.

Of note is the fact that a parent's involvement with a homeschooled kid's studies can very from household to household.  Some people like to have their kids watch videos like they were in a class.  Although my brother is learning through this way occasionally, I rarely did this.  Personally, I can be a loner sometimes, so I enjoy doing things by myself and on my own.  I have studied my sciences pretty much on my own, while my brother, a little different learner than me, will probably take the sciences at a co-op.  I can assure you that my mom helped me a lot more when I was younger.  Back to your original question, I guess I do tire of my mom.  Yet I tire of doing chores, tire of doing things around the house that need to be done, and sometimes tire of my mom encouraging me to do something when I want to be lazy.  It's easy to tire of someone's attributes to their personalities, in fact it is human, but I can't really complain since my parents have provided me with a house, food, education, and other things.

Please feel free to comment if you have any more questions or comments.  I want and would love to know what people think, positive or negative!

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