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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Technology- Part 2

Another aspect of the failure of technical communication with face-to face communication is the difference of emotions. When one is contacting someone through technical means, emotions and tone of voice are never known. Because of this, much drama has been caused. An email can be sent to an acquaintance and not be proofread, and this will cause confusion because something that is not meant is said. Too often, Facebook posts can inherit this same problem. Something between two people may be said sarcastically, yet this is only known to them and not to the rest of the world. I have personally seen sarcastic comments on Facebook and taken them literally, only to be confused for no reason.
Alternatively, many things that one would never say in real life are very easy to say through an email or Facebook post. Unfortunately, I have learned this the hard way. Many times, there has been a subject that I am not man enough to speak to the person myself. Instead, I shoot an email when I know I will not see them for a while. However, when I do this, me message always comes across harsher that I meant and devoid of emotion. The Golden rule should be rephrased this way, “Do not send an email unless you could tell that person the exact same thing to their face.”
With all of this information, you may ask, “what am I to do with it?” While we do not need to live like Quakers, we need to be increasingly aware of our attentions. The technology companies look to make money, and they are entitled to do so, no matter how many social problems it may cause. Because of this we need to ask ourselves some penetrating questions. Are we focusing in on our own little world instead of the people around us? Are we substituting intimate, productive family time for a text conversation that is second rate communication? And most importantly, are we sacrificing our relationship with God because we have pointless conversations with good friends? There is a reason why the Bible says that every word we speak we will give an account of on the Day of Judgment. If only we realized the treasures in heaven, we would be more careful of our time spent on earth, and how we use technology responsibly.

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